


Jimmy Fairly is concerned about the privacy of its clients and more particularly their personal data.

Jimmy Fairly collects and uses personal data because it may be necessary or useful for the use of its services, the delivery of its products, the use of its website or its application used in store.

Jimmy Fairly hopes that this policy will help you understand our commitments to protect your privacy and confidentiality.

The person responsible for processing your personal data is Jimmy Fairly, a simplified joint stock company (504 422 427 RCS Paris). You may at any time access your data, rectify them, request their deletion, object to processing for legitimate reasons due to your particular situation by contacting our Data Protection Officer ("DPO"), Mr Jean-Vincent Royer (, by e-mail or by post at the address of the publisher's registered office mentioned at the beginning of these general conditions. The declarant number is 1495896.

Continued use of the Jimmy Fairly website and the IOS application on the tablets available in Jimmy Fairly stores after 25 May 2018 constitutes acceptance of this privacy policy.

Please read this charter carefully.

If you registered before May 25, 2018, the Update Terms and Conditions also apply to your account.


1. Your rights

We are committed to respecting the confidentiality of your personal data and to guaranteeing the exercise of your rights. You can exercise your rights at no cost by sending us an e-mail to a single e-mail address, or by post, indicating the reason for your request and the right you wish to exercise. If we consider it necessary to be able to identify you, we may ask you for a copy of your identity document. Regardless of the purpose or legal basis on which we process your data, you have a particular right to:

(i) Right of access: the right to be informed and to request access to personal data processed by Jimmy Fairly;

(ii) Right of rectification: the right to ask Jimmy Fairly to modify or update your personal data when it is inaccurate or incomplete;

(iii) Right of deletion: the right to ask Jimmy Fairly to permanently delete your personal data to the extent that it is no longer necessary for the purpose of which we may have needed it before ;

(iv) Right of restriction: the right to ask Jimmy Fairly to temporarily or permanently stop the processing of all or a part of your personal data;

(v) Right of refusal: the right to refuse at any time the processing of your personal data for personal reasons or for marketing purposes;

(vi) Right to data portability: the right to request a copy of your personal data in electronic format from Jimmy Fairly and the right to transmit such personal data through a third party service;

(vii) Right to not to be subject to automated decision: the rightto not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated decision making, including profiling, in which the decision would have a legal effect on you or produce a similar significant effect.

Finally, we inform you of your right to submit a complaint to the corresponding data protection supervisory authority, in particular: the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés - CNIL ( The authority of the country where the country's retail company is located (


2. Which information is collected?

As part of your registration and use of Jimmy Fairly's services, we collect information in order to provide you with the best possible experience. Personal data is collected directly from you when you use our website, create an account or purchase our products online or in store.

Jimmy Fairly collects, as the case may be, the following collection of data:

(i) Identification data: address, e-mail, gender, telephone number, date of birth, surname, first name, optical prescription, etc;

(ii) Billing and/or payment data: bank details, means of payment, historical detail of your transactions, etc.

(iii) Data use: services subscribed, products used, means of connection, etc;

(iv) Customer relationship data: requests for assistance, after-sales service, subscription to our newsletters; correspondence with the customer, etc;

(v) Contest and survey participation data, apply for a job, or participate in other activities that we promote that may require information about you.

When we ask you to enter your personal data to allow you to access one of the features or services on our website, please remember that some boxes will be marked as mandatory, as it represents data that we need to provide the service in question or to allow you to access this feature. Thus, if you decide not to provide us with this data, it is possible that your registration as a user cannot be successfully completed or that you cannot take advantage of these services or features.


3. How is this data collected?

The information is collected automatically when you use the Jimmy Fairly website or when you are in the store, via our application created especially for use on our in-store shelves.

Jimmy Fairly collects the following collection of data:

(i) Data registration: when you register, we may collect the data mentioned above in point B);

(ii) Geolocation Data: When you use the Jimmy Fairly website, we may collect information about your approximate or accurate location, as determined by data such as your IP address or the GPS of your mobile device, in order to provide you with a better user experience (e. g. finding the store nearest your geolocalised location);

(iii) Cookies and similar technologies: When you use the Jimmy Fairly website, in order to ensure optimal browsing for all Internet users, we automatically collect connection and device data, even if you have not created a Jimmy Fairly Account. The publisher may install a cookie on the user's computer. This cookie makes it possible to store information relating to navigation on the site (date, pages, times), as well as any data entered by Internet users during their visit (searches, login, e-mail, password). These cookies are intended to be stored on the Internet user's computer for a variable period of up to two (2) years, and may be read and used by the publisher during a subsequent visit by the Internet user to this site. The user has the possibility to block, modify the storage period, delete this cookie via the interface of his browser (usually: tools or options / privacy or confidentiality). In such a case, navigation on this site will not be optimized. If the systematic desactivation of cookies on the Internet user's browser prevents him from using certain services or features provided by the publisher, this malfunction can in no way constitute damage to the Internet user who will not be able to claim any compensation as a result.


4. How is this data used?

Jimmy Fairly works for minimal data collection and limited use.

Jimmy Fairly uses, stores and processes the above-mentioned data in order to manage your registration as a user of our website/customer, to implement the application and execution of the purchase or service contract, the use of our customer service, for marketing actions (promotional actions and newsletters in particular) and to improve our customer interfaces in order to:

Feed, improve and develop the operation and performance of our services and products;

Diagnose problems and identify safety risks, errors or necessary service improvements;

Detect and prevent fraud and abuse of our Services and systems;

Collection of global statistics on the use of our services and products;

Create and maintain a more secure trust environment;

Understand and analyze how you use our services and which products and services are most relevant to you;


5. How is this data shared?

For the purpose of managing and performing the services provided by Jimmy Fairly, the processed data, which you have requested or authorised, may be transferred to subcontractors, partners and trusted third parties (logistics companies, financial institutions, transport and glass manufacturers).

As a matter of principle, your data is stored in France and remains with Jimmy Fairly and his OVH host. None of the Data processed and collected by Jimmy Fairly is transferred to a third country outside the European Union or to a country that does not have a level of protection considered adequate by the European Commission.

Upon request, they may also be transferred to people and authorities whose right of access to personal data is recognised by law, regulations or provisions of authorities empowered by law.


6. How is this data stored, secured and deleted?

Jimmy Fairly takes the necessary actions to protect the data it processes.

Data shall be processed electronically and/or manually and in any event in such a way that their security, protection and confidentiality are ensured with regard to their level of sensitivity, via administrative, technical and physical measures to prevent loss, theft, use, disclosure or unauthorised modification. In particular, they are properly safeguarded and protected with restricted access during which time liability could be incurred following processing, in accordance with the regulations in force at any time.

Jimmy Fairly retains your data only for the time necessary to provide you with services and products in an optimal and essential business manner, such as making data-based business decisions about new features, products and offers, compliance with our legal obligations and dispute resolution. Thus, data relating to (i) your customer account (user account on our website or in the shop) will be kept as long as you remain a registered user/customer (i.e. until you decide to delete your account), (ii) implementation data, the application and execution of the purchase contract, the time necessary to manage the purchase including any possible returns, warranties, complaints or claims associated with the purchase of the product in particular (iii) marketing actions, until you unsubscribe or cancel your subscription to the newsletter. In some cases, we will only process the data until you have decided, as in the case of payment data (card) that you have asked us to keep for possible future purchases.

Upon your request, Jimmy Fairly will delete and anonymize your data so that it can no longer be identified, unless the law allows or requires us to retain certain personal data, including in the following cases:

(i) An outstanding payment, a claim, an unresolved dispute: data will be kept until the problem is resolved;

(ii) Legal, tax, audit and accounting obligations: data will be kept for the period required by applicable law;

(iii) Legitimate business interests: fraud or security of our Customers.


7. Evolution of the privacy policy

This privacy policy may change as a result of legislative and regulatory changes.

In case of a change in this policy, Jimmy Fairly will inform you through appropriate notification.